North Carolina
Veterinary Medical Board

Complaint Form

  • Instructions
  • Complainant Information
  • Accused Individual
  • Complaint Specifics
  • Detailed Timeline And Supporting Documentation
  • Verification
  • Confirmation
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Important information about filing a complaint:

ATTENTION: Statute of limitations define the time period in which an action must be filed, as measured from the date of the incident. The NCVMB's statute of limitations for filing complaints is three (3) years. Complainants may petition the Board if they can present compelling reasons why this time limit should be extended.

  1. The General Statutes of North Carolina established the North Carolina Veterinary Medical Board for the purpose of regulating the practice of veterinary medicine and surgery.

    The General Statutes, along with the Administrative Code, establish protocols for the review of complaints and set grounds for possible disciplinary action. Complaints are filed against licensees or registrants of the Board rather than veterinary practice facilities. The complaint protocol applies to licensed veterinarians, registered veterinary technicians, applicants for examination and faculty certificate holders of this Board. Complaints *cannot* be accepted anonymously, by fax, email or telephone.

  2. You will assist the NCVMB in reviewing your complaint by providing as much of the requested information as possible. Please attach additional pages as needed to provide other information relating to your complaint. A copy of your complaint may be provided to the respondent for response.

  3. The NCVMB does not have the governance to address complaints that deal with:
    • Fee Issues: The *Practice Act* does not address the issue of fees. Therefore, the Board has no governance concerning fees or the jurisdiction to settle monetary disputes. Monetary disputes would be handled through civil court
    • Personality conflicts or perceived rude behavior
    • Non-veterinary owned boarding/grooming facilities
    • Breeders
    • Attempts to collect debt
    • Contract Disputes: The *Practice Act *does not address contract disputes; therefore, these types of disputes are generally not within the jurisdiction of the Board

  4. If you have questions regarding how to fill out/submit the complaint form, you may contact the NCVMB by phone at 919-854-5601 or by email at

  5. For additional detailed information about filing a complaint and the complaint process please refer to:

New Complaint

If you wish to submit a new complaint against an individual, click the "Begin" button below.


Resume Complaint

If you have started a complaint previously and have the confirmation number available, enter it below and click the "Go!" button to resume.

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We support the below listed desktop browsers. If you are not using one of these browsers (or versions), please download or upgrade to a new browser or supported version. If you elect not to upgrade your browser, you may not be able to use certain functions on our website. In addition, we recommend that you enable JavaScript and turn off Compatibility View mode (if you are using Internet Explorer) for an optimal experience.

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  • Microsoft® Internet Explorer 9-11, Edge